BeautifulSoup vs DataKund

Coding experienceRequiredNot Required
Customer SupportOpen-source CommunityDedicated support
API SupportCannot perform scrape through apisCan call apis
MaintenanceSlight change in website can make the code failDon't fail with slight changes in website
Inspection of ElementsNeed to inspect elements to write codeIt records itself
TimeTakes time in writing codeTakes no time in making apis
DependenciesDepends on bs4 module and programming languageNo programming language or module needed
Locators KnowledgeKnowledge of locators such as id, class etc neededNo such knowledge needed
StructureIt's libraryIt's a complete framework
ExtensibilityLimited to scraping onlyCan do scraping as well browser actions
ConsiderationConsidered as parserConsidered as RPA tool
Data FormatYou need to write code to store in json xcel or spreadsheetCan attach google sheet for you, then all your data will automatically be saved there

Following are some of the other differences between BeautifulSoup and DataKund:-

Scrape Text

Scrape product titletitle=soup.find("h4",{"id":"title"}).getText()Right Click on title>DataKund>Scrape>Text>column name


Get every search result dataFind common things by inspecting then loop over them(attributes can change)Apply repeat by Alt+P , then scrape data by right clicking on data points

Google Sheets

Scraping product links defined in sheetWill need to write both beautifulsoup and google apis code which takes timeJust make a simple api of scraping one product and attach google sheet to it

Flow Chart

Showing actions in flow chartNo way of representing flow of actions except manually writingYou can see your actions in flow charts, can edit and delete actions as well